1 Gang plastic electrical back box. BS 4662:2006 Dimensions (LxWxD): 80x80x40 mm

2 Gang plastic electrical back box. BS 4662:2006 CE approved Dimensions (LxWxD): 144x80x40 mm

1 Gang + 1 Gang plastic electrical back box connected together. BS 4662:2006 CE approved Available in any combination by order.

1 Gang + 2 Gang plastic electrical back box connected together. BS 4662:2006 CE approved Available in any combination by order.

Connector to connect back boxes together.

Conduit adaptor for connecting plastic PVC conduit to back box.

1 Gang Electrical Back Box Cover to prevent concrete entering the back box from masonry work.

2 Gang Electrical Back Box Cover to prevent concrete entering the back box from masonry work.

Plastic termination for aluminium sheet. Cut the aluminium sheet to the desired length and fit terminations to each side.

Aluminium sheet with fitting rails to easily mount a number of back boxes in a row. The system is ideal for gypsum board wall installations. Sold by meter and pre-cut to your desired length.

A complete electrical back-box fitting system for gypsum board wall installations.